Friday, December 9, 2011

Photograph Meets Canvas.....

It is as Simple as Black and White
I received an order to purchase my "Black & White" photo on canvas and I knew this would be a perfect image for it! Canvas wrapped prints give photography a professional gallery look.

I enjoy taking photographs because I want to capture any given moment. Unfortunately, it is impossible to print them all for myself in larger sizes so I add my favorites to my website and facebook albums to share and get feedback from my friends.  I am always thrilled when someone is interested in purchasing my photos to enjoy for themselves, then it is an added bonus to see my photograph in a printed size of 11x14 or larger. The final size of this canvas wrapped print was 12"x18"
Canvas prints are wrapped on one inch stretcher bars to add to the overall gallery finish of the print. All canvas orders will be signed, dated and numbered.

Visit my photography gallery on my website: for a wide range of my photography available for a canvas wrapped print. I am also on facebook: TSCPgraphics If interested in a canvas wrapped print, please contact me for a quote.

Thursday, November 17, 2011

Where Photography and Art Come Together.....

Inspirations 2011
Photo by Tammy Patterson

This article is from the November 16th, 2011
Washburn Review by Kate Fetcher

A unique exhibit combining art and photography is currently on display at the  Fairlawn Plaza Classic Bean on 21st and Fairlawn in Topeka. “Inspirations” allows patrons to view artwork and the photograph that inspired it hanging side by side.

This exhibit was coordinated by and originated in the creative mind of Tammy Patterson, a Topeka resident, independent graphic designer and photographer. This is the second year in a row Patterson has coordinated with artists and photographers to put together the “Inspirations” exhibit.

“We have fourteen artists this year, including myself,” said Patterson, who graduated from Fort Hays State with a BFA in graphic design. “We have five photographers, and the rest are painters and then Ruth Powers, who does textile fiber art.” Powers is nationally known and has a blog about her artwork, 

The painters in the 2011 “Inspirations” exhibit are: Naomi Cashman, Kathleen Cobb, Becky Drager, Connie English, Betty Fox, Dorethy Hancock, Angela Lexow and Cynthia Stotlar. The photographers participating this year include: Charles Benton, Northwind Image, Bob Hayes, Leslie Richards and Patterson.  Patterson also contributed a watercolor piece for the exhibit, along with her photography and the digital piece that sparked her idea.  

The idea came to Patterson after she created a digital art piece from a photograph she had taken of a butterfly. Although she has artists collaborate with a photographer other than themselves for the Inspirations exhibit, this work of art that started it all can be seen on display in the meeting room at the Fairlawn Plaza Classic Bean. 

Patterson explained how the idea evolved. “Before I knew any painters or photographers personally in the Topeka area, I was doing my own thing,” said Patterson, who moved to Topeka with her husband in 1997. “I created my own art from my original photograph. I always thought this would be interesting to see them both hanging side by side. I thought for the viewer to be able to walk around and see the photograph and the painting hanging side by side, they could truly see what inspired the painting.”

The idea became a networking opportunity for artists and photographers around the community due to Patterson’s idea to not have artists work off their own personal photographs or photographers paint renditions of their photos.

“Painters work from their photographs all the time,” said Patterson. “I, as a photographer, could do a watercolor rendition of any of my photographs I have taken over the years. It’s going outside of your own personal collection, and having the permission from the photographer to allow the painter to do it; marrying them together, so to say.”

Patterson has a website for her independent graphic design business, photography and other artwork, TSCPgraphics can also be found on facebook. Patterson can be contacted through her website.

“If individuals are interested in participating, I am interested in receiving portfolios or being contacted, through email,” said Patterson. “We are interested in expanding “Inspirations” to other venues, as well as the Classic Bean. Once we have the venues available, we are definitely interested in getting more artists involved. I think it would be great to see how far Inspirations can go. It could be an opportunity for many local artists and photographers to network and display their art and unite within the art community.”

Doug Thomas is the manager of the downtown Classic Bean and decides what art goes on display at both stores. He is enthusiastic about “Inspirations.”

“It was Tammy’s idea, and I think she has a great idea to pair an artist and a photographer side by side,” said Thomas.  “I know Tammy wants to expand and I think it’s a great idea. It seems like there is more and more people who want to participate in the pairing.”

Currently on display downtown is watercolor on silks created by Diane Lawrence and her art students. “Inspirations” and the exhibit downtown will be on display until the first of the year.

Visitors to “Inspirations” can vote for their favorite photography and artwork pairing. This voting opportunity is called “People’s Choice.” The results will be posted and ribbons awarded to winners on December 16, 2011.

“The non-photography art ranges from abstract paintings to photorealism and of course, Ruth has her unique textile fiber art,” said Patterson. “The photographers and the other artists inspired one another to make this come together. There was no one person single handedly doing it all. We all worked together to make this exhibit happen.”

To view more images from the 2010 and 2011 Inspirations collection, visit: - Inspirations Collection. This exhibit is also on facebook at: TSCPgraphics

Sunday, August 21, 2011

Look Up.....

Floating By
Around 8:20am this morning I heard an unusual noise outside so I asked my husband what it was. He was standing at the blinds with a smile like he had planned a surprise. He said, "Look, it's your balloon friends." I could not believe my favorite hot air balloon was right outside our window. I wish they were my friends and they would have called first before they decided to go floating by, ha! As I darted off off the camera and memory card so I asked him to open the window.  When I returned, I pulled out the screen to get this last glimpse of the hot air balloon as it passed by.
After I took this photo, I headed south in hopes of a few additional photos. I discovered they were actually trying to find a place to land as the wind (...or lack of) was not cooperating with them this morning. I managed to get a few more photos before they landed in a cul-de-sac.

Some of you may recall one of my hot air balloon photos Up, Up and Away that I took last summer. Here is a link to my RedBubble page: Up, Up and Away where I have more on the adventure I had taking that photo!
I added Floating By to my Summer's Simple Pleasures album in my Photography gallery on my website:

Thanks for stopping by!

Thursday, August 18, 2011

Watercolor, step by step.....

Many Shades of Winter
I am teaming up with Northwind Image this year in the Inspirations 2011 exhibit and this year I am painting from the photograph by Northwind Image shown below. The photography and paintings / textile art in this exhibit will be displayed side by side to feature what photograph inspired the artists. If you are in the Topeka area during November - December, stop by the Classic Bean in Fairlawn Plaza at 21st & Fairlawn.

The filmstrip image below is a preview of the beginning stages of my watercolor with the last image my reference, the actual photograph. Be sure to check my progress of this painting in my: Original Artwork album within the galleries section on my website at:

When I paint I always have some watercolor paper off to the side to check the colors and test the waters, literally!

I want to thank Grant & Delores of Northwind Image for giving me permission to paint their photograph. To view more of their photography, visit: 

I hope everyone is enjoying my new blog, thanks for visiting!

Monday, August 15, 2011

New Jewelry Collection.......

Jewelry Elements Series
The jewelry I design includes 'elements' I am drawn too. The beads are from my personal collection and my favorites include hand blown glass, natural stone, precious gems and filigree metal beads. I enjoy mixing the different beads together to create an unique design one would not find in a store.  
Elements is part of my new jewelry collection. This necklace includes an assortment of handcrafted wooden beads with a mix of silver, gold and copper finished filagree metal beads along with a metal toggle clasp. The length of this necklace is 17 inches from clasp to clasp.

My fascination with creating my own jewelry designs started when I found necklaces in the stores that I would prefer to wear as bracelets. I found myself wrapping them around my wrist and thinking the necklace would make a fun bracelet. I started out simple –create stretchy bracelets for myself since all I had to do was measure them up to fit and tie a solid knot that hid inside a bead.

Over time my bead collection grew and I was asked if I sold the jewelry I made. So if I have enough beads and I would wear the design myself I create a similar one to sell. It has been getting harder to create the same design again as I run out of the beads and can not find replacements. Also, it is fun to create a one of a kind design now that I am more comfortable with wire jewelry and a secure crimping bead. I found some of the jewelry I purchased years ago at a Farmer's Market only had a flat crimp, they did not close the crimp and that resulted in the wire working it's way loose and my determination to fix it correctly.

You can see more of my jewelry and additional detailed photos of this new Elements necklace on my website in my Jewelry Gallery at:

Be sure to also check out my facebook page: TSCPgraphics .........thanks for stopping by!

Sunday, August 7, 2011

Lightning Never Strikes in the Same Place Twice...

Electric Shock

Electric Shock

This image is straight from the camera.  I have tried capturing an image of lightning for some time. I usually end up with small glowing bursts of light that end up looking like a lightning bug flew in front of the lens. Other times I have entertained myself while on the rode by taking traveling lightning shots. I have never ended up with anything I have ever considered a true lightening capture. 

This evening was finally my perfect opportunity. We had an incredible lightning storm so I jumped at the chance to set up the tripod up right in front of our house. I do not mind a tree line, in fact I think it give perspective but I am not a fan of power lines. I strategically pointed the camera on this brilliant night display of lightning that jetted across the sky without it looking residential. Since it was so late, I really did not want to pack up and head to the prairie though I am sure it would have been a spectacular sight.

I am glad I stayed put because chances are I would have ended up missing out and finally ended up with a lightning photo I am pleased with! 

Thanks for visiting my blog!

I added Electric Shock to Night & Day in my RedBubble portfolio: tscp profile

To view more of my photographs, visit: .....I am also on facebook at: TSCPgraphics

Friday, August 5, 2011

This is your LIFE.

This is awesome. I love the message and it is showing up everywhere!
I wish I knew the source to give credit but a friend of mine got it from a friend, we all know how it is with sharing these days.

If you follow your heart, you will do what is right.
Do not let others drag you down and influence you because in the end you are going to be miserable. And most important, if you can not change the situation for the better - get out of it, it is not your loss. Something better is waiting for you.

I did a quick google search and I found both the graphic and this street version photo. I am now curious if the photo on the street is real or if this is Photoshop. If they used Photoshop this was a very creative image someone created with a combination of the photograph and the graphic. I know if I would have seen someone holding up this poster, I would have taken this photo in a heartbeat!

For more journals, visit: I am also on facebook: TSCPgraphics and if you are a twitter bug, follow me at:tscpgraphics

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Wind of Change...

Kansas Flint Hills

Wind of Change

We had a cool front move in last night dropping the recent high yesterday of 112 degrees to the mid 90's. It was a pleasant change in weather. I was enjoying the day doing errands without breaking out into a sweat. 

Going along with the theme of change I thought I would share one of my photographs from my Kansas Flint Hills Collection. I have been working on sorting through countless photos trying to upload my favorites and most memorable photos to my website while sharing on this blog site the stories behind them.

One evening I noticed this beautiful cumulus cloud towering over Topeka and decided to drive west on I-70 so I could get a good view of it from the prairies of the Flint Hills. Once I found a place to pull over I walked up a grassy hill with this view back to the east. The sun was setting and the light was getting low but everything was still. It was the perfect evening to take in this landscape of the Flint Hills.

As I started taking the photos, the wind started to blow the grass and I thought I was not going to get the photo I wanted. I started out framing up this skyline in the tall grass but then the wind pick up and would not stop blowing. I kept thinking if I had only made it there sooner I would have grabbed the perfect photo. Then as those clouds glowed and the wind would not let up, I started to realize that the wind was adding to this scene not hindering it with the grass blowing in the wind giving the entire scene more interest.

As I stood there in the wind as the sun set behind me, I thought of how things constantly change around us. Sometimes I struggle with what to title a photograph but for this photo as I stood there enjoying this spectacular view I knew what the title would be because this 1990 song Wind of Change by Scorpions immediately came to mind. 

The future's in the air
I can feel it everywhere
Blowing with the wind of change

"Wind of Change" is a 1990 power ballad written by Klaus Meine, vocalist of the German heavy metal band Scorpions. It appeared on their 1990 album Crazy World, but did not become a worldwide hit single until 1991, when it topped the charts in Germany and across Europe, and hit #4 in the United States and #2 in the United Kingdom. The Scorpions were inspired to write this song on a visit to Moscow in 1989, and the opening lines refer to the city's landmarks: I follow the Moskva,  Down to Gorky Park, Listening to the wind of change (from Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia)

To browse for of my photographs, visit: You can also like me on facebook: TSCPgraphics and if you are a twitter bug, follow me at: tscpgraphics

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

I Spy A Dragonfly...

Due to these extreme high temperature we have been having in the midwestern states, I have been soaking our yard and plants every chance I get. I was out early this morning trying to beat the heat setting up the sprinklers when I noticed a dragonfly on this stick. 

Something on this stick must of attracted him to it. He flew off and returned several times so I grabbed my camera while he was entertaining himself. I have to admit, a dragonfly on a stick is not the most exciting photo I have ever taken but I was very curious about his spotted pattern and thought if I captured the detail of this dragonfly I may learn more about him.

I Spy a Dragonfly - detail

I am not sure what is so interesting about a wood stick to a dragonfly but I did discover he is indeed a male Twelve Spotted Skimmer with the bright white spots between the black ones.

Male 12-spotted skimmer

The females lack the white wing spots. Also the abdomen is dark brown with solid bright yellow lines down the outer top edges. 

Click on this link: Summer's Simple Pleasures  to view more photography from my Summer collection ....enjoy!

Visit my website: for a collection of my photography and journals. You can also follow me on facebook: TSCPgraphics