Wednesday, July 27, 2011

I Spy A Dragonfly...

Due to these extreme high temperature we have been having in the midwestern states, I have been soaking our yard and plants every chance I get. I was out early this morning trying to beat the heat setting up the sprinklers when I noticed a dragonfly on this stick. 

Something on this stick must of attracted him to it. He flew off and returned several times so I grabbed my camera while he was entertaining himself. I have to admit, a dragonfly on a stick is not the most exciting photo I have ever taken but I was very curious about his spotted pattern and thought if I captured the detail of this dragonfly I may learn more about him.

I Spy a Dragonfly - detail

I am not sure what is so interesting about a wood stick to a dragonfly but I did discover he is indeed a male Twelve Spotted Skimmer with the bright white spots between the black ones.

Male 12-spotted skimmer

The females lack the white wing spots. Also the abdomen is dark brown with solid bright yellow lines down the outer top edges. 

Click on this link: Summer's Simple Pleasures  to view more photography from my Summer collection ....enjoy!

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